Neighborhood Councils

Neighborhood Councils are resident-organized groups that provide an opportunity for residents in each neighborhood to work together to improve the quality of life in Oxnard. There are 52 pre-defined neighborhoods in Oxnard. Each neighborhood is eligible to establish a neighborhood council by electing an executive board and holding at least two meetings per year. All residents 18+ of each neighborhood are considered part of the neighborhood council.

Neighborhood Councils hold meetings for their residents as determined by the individual neighborhood council executive board. Topics of discussion at meetings include an update on crime statistics in the neighborhood, various city programs and services, or other issues impacting the neighborhood.

The Chairperson of the Neighborhood Council participates in the INCO as a general member where they have the opportunity to share concerns from their neighborhood.

Click here to view the Neighborhood Council Bylaws.

Neighborhood Council Weekly Packet

Inter-Neighborhood Council Organization (INCO)

Bartolo Square North
Bartolo Square South
Blackstock North
Blackstock South
Bryce Canyon North
Bryce Canyon South
Carriage Square
Channel Islands
College Estates
College Park
East Village
El Rio West
Fremont North
Fremont South
Historic District (Unofficial for now)
Hobson Park East
Hobson Park West
Hollywood By The Sea
La Colonia
Marina West
Orchard Park
Oxnard Shores
Pleasant Valley Estates
Rio Lindo
Rose Park
Sea Air
Sierra Linda
Tierra Vista
Via Marina
West Village
Windsor North